The Annual Reports Submitted by the E.S. Ashburn Staff



Physical Education Progress Report on Mark Hartmann

Early in the school year, Mark would not enter the multi-purpose room. It took approximately a month before he felt comfortable enough to venture inside. When he made his first entry his classmates welcomed him and since that time many classmates have made repeated efforts to include Mark in our activities. A class does not pass that Mark .is not often encouraged to participate by various students. Mark usually responds to this encouragement, but only for a very brief period of time. When Mark tires of an activity he demonstrates immediate displeasure with piercing screams.

Mrs. Leader, who accompanies Mark in physical education, has always made every effort to have Mark respond to our skills, exercises, and activities. When this fails, she uses other equipment (Le. scooters, balls, mats, balance beam, pull up bar) to hopefully interest and include Mark in some form of skill preparation and active participation. Mark's classmates are extremely patient and helpful. However, Mark's attention span does not permit him to remain with any task for more than a very brief period of time.

Charles Browning
Physical Education Teacher


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