The Annual Reports Submitted by the E.S. Ashburn Staff
NAME: Mark Hartmann | SCHOOL: Ashburn |
PROGRAM: SP/LANG | DOB: 8/21/85 |
GRADE: 2 | DATE: 5-94 |
II. Educational objectives addressed this year | Date Reviewed |
1. sharpen pencil |
5-94 |
2. tie shoes |
5-94 |
3. write name |
5-94 |
III. Describe student progress and therapy used:
5-94 Mark inserts his pencil in the sharpener and turns the handle, but requires verbal prompts to judge when he pencil needs sharpening and when it is sharp enough.
Mark crosses over and joins his shoe laces with occasional verbal prompts. He makes a loop, but requires physical prompts to enlarge it to the appropriate size. He brings the other lace around the loop, but needs physical assist to push it through the hole. He pulls the loops tight when verbally promplted. Mark practiced shoe tying using a shoe template and regular shoes. Visual attention is poor during this activity.
Mark writes his first name independently and his last name with occasional verbal prompts. He has practiced his writing using spelling words and individual letters on grid paper. Letter formation is distorted, sepecially on letters with curves, such as "s". Spacing between letters and words is irregular due to large size of letters. A triangular grip is used on the pencil.
Initially OT services were provided in the classroom with some disruption to other students and some distraction on Mark's part. At the parent's request, OT was provided in another room beginning in March. Mark attended better to the activity and more work was accomplished. Mark continues to request an average of three breaks per half hour session.
IV. Concerns discussed with teacher(s) for next school year: (change of placement, level, school should be considered) Recommend Mark continue to practice handwriting. Improvement has been noted this year, but legibility in inconsistent. Recommend discontinue shoe tying temporarily, since Mark seems to have plateaued in this area. Perhaps, after a break, interest and visual attention will improve and he can master this skill. Individual sessions seem more productive than classroom sessions.
V. This student _X_ needs, __ does not need therapy services in addition to existing programs because: to consult with educational staff regarding continuing fine motor deficits that impact classroom performance.
Recommended therapy services, based on student needs: _30_ minutes/week.
The final decision will be the outcome of the IEP committee.
Cindy Richmond, OTR
Occupational Therapist
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