Third Quarter Grading Period Reports by Ms. Johnson, Ms. McCullough, and Ms. Clement-Waterhouse

Current Level of Functioning
Mark Hartmann - March 30, 1994


Mark is an eight year old second grader at Ashburn Elementary School. He has been clinically diagnosed as having autism and is receiving special education services which include Speech/Language Therapy, Occupational Therapy and a full-time Instructional Assistant to support him in his regular education setting. Mark is non-verbal and is just beginning to use symbols for "yes" and "no" in structured settings. He is also beginning to imitate signs. He nods farily consistently to indicate "yes" and is still learning to shake his head for "no." Behaviorally, Mark can follow the classroom routines using a daily picture schedule. Academically, Mark is working on his own indiviual objectives as the second grade curriculum appears too difficult for him. If he is given a task that he is easily able to complete, he will usually comply and can complete up to five familiar items before becoming anxious for a "break." If asked to complete a task that is too difficult for him, he often "screeches" to indicate that he would rather not do it. During non-instructional times, Mark is generally quiet and cooperative. Mark appears to be a the pre-reading level. He is able to match words, pictures, letters, etc. He can also copy words and sentences very well independently on his Canon Communicator. In math, Mark can match sets of objects to the number representing them up to five. Socially, Mark has difficulty interacting with his peers. He is beginning to look in the general direction of a person, given verbal prompts, when waving "hello" or "good-bye." Mark continues to use behaviors such as hitting, kicking or pinching to communicate negative responses, although this is happening less frequently since appropriate objectives have been established.


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